Tuesday, September 12, 2006

this may not sound like English to you...

Tough day. Joa accidentally erased his very favorite starter Pokemon, a level 93 Blaziken named "Lars." He sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. There are some things a mom just can't fix or even make the least bit better. Irreplacable.

Joa did decide that he wanted to rename another Pokemon "Lars." We want everyone to know that if you want to rename a Pokemon in Emerald, you can find the "Name Rater" in Slateport City, just up from the Pokemon Fan Club. You can only rename Pokemon that were trained under your trainer ID. If you want to get a Pokemon in a trade from a friend, and want it to have a different name, then ask your friend to rename it before s/he trades with you. It took us something over two hours, reading the entire Prima book on Emerald, and doing many web searches to find this out!